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  • Writer's pictureCovid-19 and the New Normal

What adjustments did the citizens complied to?

Before the accessories that some of us wear are earrings, bracelets, necklaces, etc., but now a face mask and face shield is an accessory we must always have. For sure, it was not an easy transition for most of us, especially for a tropical country like the Philippines wearing a face mask and face shield could be inconvenient, mostly during the summertime.

Due to the occurrence of the COVID-19 pandemic alcohol and disinfectant products are commonly seen in our homes. Those products are now included in the list of our necessities and everything that we hold is disinfected before using them.

Social distancing is an action that all of us should obey on doing. Before an event or a place with many people is considered to be an interesting and fun place, but most of us think that the more people, the more dangerous the place is. The Philippines is known for having close family ties, that is why not being able to see each other often was not easy. Despite those matters, many Filipinos thought of a way on how they could continue their family gathering while following the rules at the same time, to still do something they used to do.

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